On October 25, 2015 the READ Act was passed by the House of Representatives.
The READ Act or the Research Excellence and Advancements for Dyslexia Act (H.R. 3033) requires the National Science Foundation (NSF) to devote at least $5 million annually to dyslexia research. Dedicting funds would focus resources on best practices in the following areas:
Early identification of children and students with dyslexia.
Professional development about dyslexia for teachers and administrators.
Curricula development and evidence-based educational tools for children with dyslexia.
This legislation will move onto the Senate next.
Passing this Act legitimizes dyslexia giving it national recognition. This is a step toward reaching our goals on our #sayDyslexia campaign. Learn more at #sayDyslexia.

Dyslexia Success in Washington
READ Act, October 25, 2015
Every October is
Dyslexia Awareness Month
Dyslexia Day at the Capitol